Apply what you know and show off!

Expansion and Enrichment activity options: 
  • Create biome posters to illustrate the differences found in the climate, landforms, plants, people and animals of a biome of your choosing.
  • Create a diorama model of the biome of your choosing that includes examples of the locationclimate, animals, plants and/or people.
  • Create an 'All about me' biome website with information regarding the location, climate, plants, people and animals of that biome.
What to do and keep in mind: 
*This is 50% of your end of unit test grade, so do your best!*

Biomes of the World: Final Project
(50% of unit comprehensive test)
There are many different types of biomes in the world, so you have a lot of choices when it comes to creating your final project.  You will be allowed to choose from 3 different types of project forums (the way you complete the project): a diorama, poster, or website/page.

What Is It?
A biome is defined as a major habitat category with similar climatic conditions and specific communities of plants and animals. There are many biomes found around the world. Each one has distinctive plants and animals that are adapted to that specific environment. You have had the chance to study the biome they want to build.  This should help you fully understand what elements will be included in your display.
-A diorama is a three-dimensional model that can be built on a flat surface or inside an enclosed area such as a box. This type of model can be full sized or built to scale as desired by the builder. An example of large dioramas can be seen in natural history museums throughout the country.
- A poster board can be used to create a 3D pop up style or 2D recreation of the biome of your choosing.
-Create a website, blog, webpage, prezi or PowerPoint presentation of the biome of your choosing.
  • Choosing a Biome
The materials required to make a scale model of a biome will be different according to the environment chosen and the forum (type) of display you are creating. For example, a tundra biome may have snow and ice as part of the finished model. A biome of a deciduous forest will have broadleaf foliage. Deserts may have sand and rainforests will have a wide variety of vegetation. Choose a biome that is interesting and study the climate, where that specific biome is found globally and any special adaptations of the animals or plants in that biome. Determine what the ground looks like, how tall vegetation grows, how much water is available and any geographic characteristics such as mountains. Choose one of the biomes we have been studying in class:
·         Tundra
·         Taiga
·         Desert
·         Rainforest
·         Deciduous Forest
·         Grasslands
Designing the Final Project
Once the biome has been chosen determine what items to include in the scale model. You may use your lapbook as a reference for this project. Wild animals from a variety of environments are available as plastic toys and the use of these animals will determine the scale of the finished model. A tundra biome may include a polar bear while a rainforest may have parrots and a leopard.
Draw a diagram (rough draft) of the finished product on a piece of paper that is the same size as the finished product. Include where items such as plants, rocks, animals or water will be placed. Determine what will need to be made, what can be painted directly onto the base and what can be purchased already made. Choose the materials to use and prepare the workspace.

Building a Diorama or a 2D/3D poster
Begin from the bottom or surface and work up when building the model. If the diorama will be made inside of a box, work from the back toward the front and the bottom toward the top.
Paint the background before adding other details. Lay the box so the 'back' is flat before painting and leave it in this position until the paint dries to avoid runs in the paint.
To create sand or dirt floors paint a thin layer of glue on the area, spread the sand or dirt and allow the glue to dry. Tip the base and gently tap to remove the extra sand or dirt.
Items that may be painted include water features, grass, sky or plants. Allow all paint to dry before continuing.
Once the paint and glue are dry, place the other elements in the diorama as planned.
Make rocky or uneven terrain by crushing a sheet of newspaper in your hands. Shape and cut the crushed paper to the desired shape and size then paint it with a thick layer of white glue. Sprinkle dirt and sand over the glue and allow it to dry. Place the finished terrain as desired in the model.
View the model from several angles and adjust items as needed for the best view. Let the items that are glued to dry overnight.


**Creating a website/blog/page/prezi:
If you choose to present your final project in this format you are still responsible for including all of the same information about your biome.  Be sure to check and follow the checklist and the rubric for this assignment.

Review the final model to ensure all required details are included. Create a legend to describe what items were included and why.  Verify your name, homeroom, and number is written on the finished model before handing it in.

Steps to follow checklist: Biomes of the World Final Project
***You may choose to create 2D or 3D poster, website, webpage, blog, prezi, or a diorama.  The steps are listed below, check them off as they are completed:
·         ___Choose the biome you want to model your poster project after (you may use your lapbook for ideas)
·         ___List the types of plants and animals that live in your biome (you
·         ___List what type of location, climate, landforms are in your biome
·         ___Create a rough draft of your project on a blank piece of paper
·         ___Gather your materials
·         ___Once you have created your project, use the template provided to tell me and your classmates about your biome and project.
·         ___Be sure to check your rubric to ensure ALL requirements have been met on this project.  This project serves as 50% of your final grade for this unit.

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