
3. Scrapbook:
 After completing your biome research, you will create a "biome scrapbook" document that presents the important information from your research and pictures supporting your research. This document must meet the requirements as outlined in the link below, including a title page, a description/climate page, animal pages, and plant pages. The instructions also include options for extra credit. If you are working with others, the scrapbook instructions include a planning sheet to determine who will complete each part of the assignment.  You will present your scrapbook to the class, discussing the adaptations of the plants and animals in that biome necessary for survival.  Once each scrapbook review is complete, all members of the class should have a good understanding of the critical details of the six major biomes.

Biome Scrapbook

Task: Create a biome scrapbook for one of the major biomes. Team members will present scrapbook to class.


A) Researching Your Biome – Use your online resources, textbook, encyclopedias, and non-fiction books 

to research the following:

1. Location of biome and general description (what biome looks like)

2. Climate of your biome (including temperature, precipitation, and seasonal changes)

3. Animals in your biome (research 3 animals) 

For each animal, research the following:

 Physical Description – what animal looks like

 Adaptations – physical and/or behavioral adaptations and how these help it survive

4. Plants in your biome (research 3 plants)

For each plant, research the following:

 Physical Description – what plant looks like

 Adaptations – physical adaptations and how these help it survive

If you can’t find enough information for one plant, you may also give a general overview of 

plant adaptations to the climate in your biome.

Research Due: ___________________

B) Creating Your Scrapbook – Your scrapbook must include the following:

1. Title Page

 Title and 3-5 pictures depicting biome

2. General Description, Location and Climate Page

 Paragraph containing description and location of biome (6-8 sentences)

 Paragraph containing information on biome’s climate (5-8 sentences)

 3-5 pictures (must include a map showing location of biome)

3. Animal Pages – one per animal

 Paragraph containing physical description of animal (5-8 sentences)

 Paragraph describing climate animal has to adapt to, adaptation(s), and how 

 3-5 pictures of animal / environment

4. Plants Pages – one per plant

 Paragraph containing physical description of animal (5-8 sentences)

 Paragraph describing climate plant has to adapt to, adaptation(s), and how 

 3-5 pictures of plant / environment

adaptation(s) help the animal to survive (5-8 sentences)

adaptation(s) help the plant to survive (5-8 sentences)

C) Extra Credit Options

1. Create an interesting facts page at end of scrapbook

2. Additional plants or animals pages above the 3 required for each

3. Your choice – must be approved by teacher

Scrapbook Due: _____________________

Example Scrapbook:

you may use any media format to create your scrapbook.  This includes traditional cut and paste creations, and Microsoft program offerings.  However, here are a few digital sources for creating the scrapbook.  All of these are free!

free digital scrapbooking:

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